Quantity over quality; a downfall of E-Journalism?

My brother (Jake) graduated from UOW in 2015 with a Bachelor of Journalism, and in the two years since receiving his degree he has had only had around 10 months of Part-time work (25 hours a week) as a contracted journalist.

Mind you he is a very articulate, educated and tech-savvy young man, and to know his University degree and ultimately his livelihood is being ‘undermined’ by platforms such as Twitter and the rise of citizen reporting is terrifying. 

Journalists and mainly mainstream media today is regularly portrayed as one-sided or bias news, with emphasis on stories to profit or thinning-out the truth to provide the highest attention/profit…

But is this the case with citizen-journalism too?

“Journalism’s role as watchdog and informant for the wider citizenry was appropriate at a time when most citizens were unable to seek out a broad range of information sources for themselves” – Dr Axel Bruns

We are still receiving one-sided perspectives; just more of them. So whats better? Quantity of opinion, or quality? Safety in numbers or confidence in knowledge?

I know I’d much prefer to hear from a professional/academic/professor over some amateur, but I understand where these opinions are necessary; to defuse or rebut fake-news and provide information directly to people on the street. We are in an age where information is power, and we have access to so much information. 

So has journalism and it’s role shifted even further away from value being placed on authorship?

Although, I’m still conflicted on this – I love that we have such widespread access to information and that we have the right and ability to engage, curate and aggregate with news, but maybe we need a culture shift in how traditional journalism is being viewed or even how it is being carried out… Or should my brother burn his degree and sign up for Twitter?

Jake news.jpg


P.S. Sorry for long post; thanks Dad for Meme inspo.


6 thoughts on “Quantity over quality; a downfall of E-Journalism?

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  1. I think journalism these days seems to be diminishing in the world, yes it does exist and its needed, especially for news reporting, however, I think its easier now to talk about news. Anyone can do it these days and I believe that people are now pushing away from the journalist degree due to competitiveness and the ability of anyone taking the job.
    I think what really made me think of journalist degrees was when I first started my own degree. Many people entering the course wanted to do journalism as their major, but now talking to people they have abandoned the major in favour for marketing
    Im just as conflicted as you are haha

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Kelsea,

    This post was enlightening, as there was a real life example of a qualified person missing out on a job as a result of the rise of the internet. You could read this article http://nypost.com/2016/03/09/citizen-journalists-are-about-to-take-over-newsrooms/ about Fox News using an app to encourage people to participate in sending news stories to the network and add that to your post to make the point that citizen journalism is becoming more popular, stronger and also highlight that unqualified people are being given equal opportunities as those qualified. Also, adding links to your research and further information allows your audience to do some guided research and discover more about the post you’ve created. Thanks for a great read.
    – Danni


  3. You raise some really great questions about the rise of citizen journalism that I haven’t really thought about before. I appreciate citizen journalism because they’re a bunch of perspective of the one situation and I guess have become disillusioned with traditional media (believing they have a bias agenda). However, you may be right in the fact that are we still “receiving one-sided perspectives; just more of them” – perhaps we are putting our faith more into quantity than quality.
    Interesting article that touches base on Twitter vs. mainstream journalism
    https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/13/so-twitter-is-ruining-journalism-really And good luck to your brother


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