Part 3: My BCM320 Digital Artefact!

Kelsea's Ok Kitchen:   For my exploration into Digital Asia and an autoethnographical research process, I decided to focus on cooking (nothing too unique there, sorry guys) BUT I like to think that my end product has become a bit more unique and has demonstrated more just being another BCM320 cooking video series. I was... Continue Reading →

Part 2: Expanding on my AE experience & My DA!

  If you saw my last blog post on my initial autoethnographical experience with my new digital artefact, you would have seen that I'm interested in the art of Asian cooking shows on YouTube. Since that post I've made a video to test the ease and aesthetics of trying to make a video myself!  It was... Continue Reading →

Part 1: An AE experience!

Growing up, I had a tumultuous relationship with food - from not being able to leave the table until I've eaten all the food on my plate as a toddler, feeling the social pressure to not eat as much as a teenager, and to where I am now as a vegetarian/pescatarian young-adult. My parents were... Continue Reading →

“Neo-Tokyo is about to E X P L O D E”

(And man, did it ever!!) Akira 1988 Where to start! What a film. Firstly, reflecting back on our live-tweeting, I can see that I was firstly impacted by the sheer beauty and detail of the anime! I LOVE THE COLOURS AH!! I wish this is what cities looked like! Luv you neo-tokyo #BCM320 #Akira —... Continue Reading →

Gojira & I

コニチワ! I've always had an interest in cultures that weren't my own. Throughout the course of my degree and the older I get, the more opportunities I have to unpack and utilise this interest. My BA/BINTS double degree includes a Sociology major, Culture studies minor, Global Media and Communication major AND I'm attempting my Spanish... Continue Reading →

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