Activists on FB – Unpopular opinion alert**

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good Social Network Revolution (Please check out #ArabSpring and it’s aftermath if you haven’t already…!)

But I have to admit to finding the inundation of FACEBOOK PROFILE PICTURE FRAMES and the political messages they hold are sending me slightly BONKERS. Please by all means make your profession “Works at Full-time Feminist” and have your cover photo a sick edit of Tr*mp being beheaded, whatever floats your e d g y boat, but lets talk about those Profile Pics.


I’m all for social equality, democracy and supporting those across the Globe, but have we reached a point where our colourful or matching DP’s aren’t actually playing the role we think they are? Do we count as social change activists by adding that rainbow banner to our profiles? (Looking at you WordPress rainbow banner whilst I type this aahhh) Or are we just displaying the popular or likeable opinion to our friends for social acceptance…?

Not trying to be pessimist I promise, I understand exposure in creating a movement is crucial, I just feel it’s important to stop and observe the social phenomena that is profile picture frames. Have moved from supporting your fav NRL team or showing how edgy you are to actually perpetuating social change?



One thought on “Activists on FB – Unpopular opinion alert**

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  1. I agree with your post entirely! It drives me crazy to see Facebook profile photo frames. I feel that it is completely useless. I think that it is far more effective to post informational short videos or even memes about about a cause that you are passionate about.

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